Bartholin’s glands are located on each side of the vaginal opening. Main function of these glands is secretion of sticky fluid that lubricates the lower end of vagina during sexual intercourse. These glands become active when a girl reaches maturity and they are not felt; but when they enlarge; they form either Bartholin cyst or abscess.
Bartholin cyst develops when the openings of these glands become blocked so the fluid goes back to collect inside and enlarge the gland; this is called Bartholin cyst. And when this cyst becomes infected; pus gets trapped inside; and this is called a Bartholin abscess.
Bartholin’s cysts affect about 2% of women at some point in their life. They most commonly occur during childbearing years.
Dr. Dimple Doshi at Vardaan Hospital; believes prevention is better than cure, and thus apart from the precise treatment guidelines; preventive measures are an essential part of our consultations with the patients who have either had it or want to know more about it.
Small Bartholin s cyst may not get noticed; if the cyst grows; it may be felt. The common symptoms are:
Sitz bath can make the cyst burst and drain on its own.
These measures can help prevent the development and recurrences of Bartholin cyst to some extent.