Dr Dimple Doshi

Dr Dimple Doshi

Safe and Effective Treatment for Adenomyosis in Mumbai, India

Embarking on an exploration of adenomyosis, this journey unveils the intricacies of a uterine condition.

  • Are you suffering from excruciating menstrual cramps?
  • Are you a victim of chronic pain in the lower abdomen along with heavy bleeding?
  • Have you undergone multiple abortions?
  • Has it all started in a few years of your second pregnancy?
  • No analgesics is helping you beat the menstrual pain?

If this is the case, you need to consult your gynecologist. You may have a condition called adenomyosis of the uterus.
It is an absolutely benign condition of the uterus. Though non-cancerous in its nature, it causes a lot of misery to the patient keeping in mind the degree of pain that it causes.

Adenomyosis of the uterus is characterized by the presence, growth, and proliferation of the cells from inside the uterus into the wall of the uterus, and as a result, hardening and thickening of the uterus occur. This misplaced endometrial tissue in patients with this condition is completely functional. This tissue is quite responsive to the cyclical hormonal change and it thickens, sheds, and bleeds during every menstrual cycle.


Dr. Dimple Doshi at Vardaan Hospital; believes prevention is better than cure, and thus apart from the precise treatment guidelines; preventive measures are an essential part of our consultations with the patients who have either had it or want to know more about it.

Adenomyosis of uterus is a common condition often diagnosed in middle aged women and in the women who have had children. Less frequently it also affects young unmarried girls. Many times the cause of adenomyosis is unknown. So the overall causes are:
  • Any pregnancy
  • Cesarean section
  • Abortion either repeated or single
  • Genetic
  • Hormonal; with increased levels of estrogen or prolactin or FSH may trigger adenomyosis
  • Any prior uterine surgery increases the risk of development of adenomyosis of uterus.
  1. Painful cramping menstruation
  2. Heavy menstrual bleeding in almost half of the patients, especially those with deeper adenomyosis or severe disease.. Blood loss may be significant enough to lower the hemoglobin levels, with associated symptoms of fatigue, dizziness, and moodiness.
  3. Long standing lower abdominal pain
  4. Painful vaginal intercourse
  5. Bearing down feeling
  6. Pressure on bladder
  7. Dragging down sensation on thighs and lower abdomen

Adenomyosis of uterus can be diagnosed by

  1. Physical examination by your gynecologist
  2. Ultrasonography
  3. MRI
  1. Conservative treatment:

    1. Medicines to control the pain
    2. Medicines to control bleeding like trenaxamic acid
    3. Hormonal injections like leuprolide acetate which correct the high estrogen levels thereby help in ameliotrating adenomyosis
    4. Medicines like hormonal intrauterine devices e.g. mirena; or tablets containing progesterone hormone.

Uterus sparing surgery:

It involves excision of adenomyotic part of the musculature of uterus; also called adenomyomectomy.
Non-uterus sparing surgery:
It involves removal of the uterus and is indicated for those who have completed the family and no longer want to preserve their uterus.